About Odina Real Estate Company
Who are we
A company specializing in real estate consulting and real estate investment in Turkey with long experience spanning years with a specialized work team. We are one of Odina Capital’s large-scale international companies specializing in real estate consulting and brokerage, based in Istanbul – the European section. We have dealings in other cities within Turkey, and we have agents in several cities. Arab, and many agreements with most of the major Turkish construction companies, and we put all our attention on foreign real estate investors who wish to invest or own property in Turkey. Odina Real Estate has achieved successes in the Turkish real estate markets, and has gained extensive practical experience and a good reputation locally, winning the trust of foreign investors and Turkish construction companies.
البناء والمقاولات
نعمل جاهدين على تطوير أنفسنا، فلا نتوقف أبدًا عن التفكير والعمل وإيجاد الحلول الاستثمارية الآمنة التي تناسب عملائنا. ولكي نبقى متميزين في المجال، قمنا باختيار أفضل المواقع الجاذبة لرؤوس الأموال وعرضها على المستثمرين، وتقديم دراسة الجدوى، ودراسة التخطيط الزمني والمالي للمشروع لتحقيق الشفافية الكاملة في الاستثمار العقاري. متابعة الفرص والفوز بها هي مهمتنا. كن معنا وابدأ استثمارك الفعلي في التطوير العقاري.
متابعة الفرص والفوز بها هي مهمتنا. كن معنا وابدأ استثمارك الفعلي في العقارات بمبالغ بسيطة.
للراغبين في الانضمام يرجى التواصل مع أحد ممثلي الخدمة
الاستشارات العقارية
Consultation is one of the most important distinguished services that our company provides through real estate marketing for residential and investment projects. It is a free service for every client who communicates and requests advice from Odina Real Estate, where customer service employees present offers on safe and profitable projects with a promising future.
الشراء عن بعد
Due to the circumstances of the Covid 19 pandemic, Odina Real Estate has developed with the circumstances of the pandemic and has established a remote purchasing system for customers who wish to purchase real estate and will not be able to attend. Our team does a 360 photography of the property with professional photography and sends it to the client, explaining all the details in a transparent manner and answering all inquiries until After being satisfied with the property, our legal team begins communicating with the client and confirming the properties he wishes to purchase. After verifying the client’s request and the authenticity of the requested property, our legal team requests a power of attorney from the client under the name (a power of attorney to purchase a property that is restricted to the official address of the property only) and upon the purchase process, the value of the property is deposited by the client in the accounts of the building company selling the property, and after the deposit We issue a title deed (Tabu) in the client’s name and it is sent to him by mail or kept at Odina Real Estate until he arrives.
إدارة الممتلكات
Odina Real Estate manages its clients’ properties throughout Turkey and also tracks properties via (Odina Electronic Property Management System). This system represents a distinctive property management program to ensure the optimal solution in property and real estate management. The system enables us to add properties and real estate units and assign properties to them. It also enables us to During which it creates lease contracts and assigns them to tenants. It also supports value-added tax to represent a distinctive real estate program, submits monthly or annual reports to property owners, and deposits profitable returns into their bank accounts periodically.
الجنسية التركية
In 2018, the Turkish government issued a law stipulating that every foreign investor who makes an investment worth no less than 400,000 US dollars is granted Turkish citizenship on an exceptional basis for himself, his wife, and his children who are under the age of eighteen, on the condition of pledging not to sell the property for a period of 3 years. At a minimum, the property must be purchased from a person of Turkish origin (non-naturalized) or from a Turkish company with Turkish capital to comply with the conditions required to obtain Turkish citizenship. Here, Odina offers you the ideal property that suits the conditions of Turkish citizenship, ensuring that it fulfills the conditions and binding laws, and following up on the application stages. Turkish citizenship until you receive the Turkish passport and Turkish national number.
إعادة البيع
Odina provides a resale service to its customers, whereby it determines the best possible value for the property and offers it for sale through Odina Real Estate Company’s marketing methods.
It facilitates the sale of the property and shortens many transactions for its clients until the sale is completed and the value of the property is deposited in the seller’s account.
معك من المطار حتى تملك العقار
Odina provides a resale service to its customers, whereby it determines the best possible value for the property and offers it for sale through Odina Real Estate Company’s marketing methods.
It facilitates the sale of the property and shortens many transactions for its clients until the sale is completed and the value of the property is deposited in the seller’s account.